
Q1. What is an e-pharmacy and how does Glovida-Rx (GRx) work?

An e-pharmacy is a mode of pharmacy service that enables patients to purchase prescription medication safely and conveniently online. Doctors registered under Glovida-Rx are able to submit electronic prescriptions via our secure online platform which are reviewed by a pharmacist before the medications are prepared and delivered directly to you.

Q2. Is Glovida-Rx a licensed pharmacy?

Glovida-Rx is a licensed retail pharmacy assessed by the Health Sciences Authority (HSA) to have a good track record in handling therapeutic products and compliance with regulatory requirements to operate as an e-pharmacy.

Q3. What are the benefits of an e-pharmacy like Glovida-Rx?

With Glovida-Rx, you will be able to consult a doctor of your choice for your medical condition(s), receive remote medication counselling from our pharmacists as well as medication delivery service, offering you wider healthcare options and greater convenience.

Q4. What are the benefits of having my prescriptions filled by an e-pharmacy like Glovida-Rx?

Our goal at Glovida-Rx is to provide you with affordable and accessible medicines. We aim to keep medication prices affordable, especially for those who are on chronic medications, through prudent cost management of our inventory and overheads.

Also, the price of each medication is made available to you when you receive the invoice via email, providing you with the transparency to decide if the costs of the medicines are acceptable to you.

On top of that, Glovida-Rx provides post-consultation medication counselling to ensure that you understand the medications prescribed and have access to reliable and professional healthcare advice from our pharmacists.

Q5. Are the medications supplied by Glovida-Rx safe and reliable?

Glovida-Rx ensures that the right therapeutic products of the appropriate quality (i.e., genuine and HSA-registered) are supplied to the correct patients as prescribed by the patients’ doctors. All medications are sourced from Singapore.

Our drugs are stored in 24-hour air-conditioned warehouses at all times to ensure product quality is never compromised.

Q6. How are we able to maintain such affordable prices for medication?

Unlike brick-and-mortar stores where overheads like high rental and labour costs are added to the final retail price you pay, Glovida-Rx does not incur large overhead costs as we do not have a retail storefront. Additionally, Glovida-Rx is also able to order in bulk, significantly reducing our average cost as well. This allows us to pass back substantial savings to you.

Q7. What are your operating hours?

Our operating hours are as follows:

Monday - Friday: 9am - 5pm

Saturday - Sunday and Public Holidays: Closed

Q8. How extensive is Glovida-Rx’s pharmacy ?

We currently carry a range of over 200 prescription and pharmacy items. Additionally, as GRx have ready access to most medications in Singapore, we would do our best to help you secure the medication(s) you are looking for. Feel free to WhatsApp our pharmacist to check on the availability of the medication(s) you are looking for, and we would do our best to secure it.

Q9. Does GRx carry as many brands as pharmacies from the polyclinic or GPs?

Our drug formulary is curated to ensure that they are extensive enough to cater to most of the medical conditions that are commonly seen in the retail settings. What distinguishes us is our capacity to source particular medications or brands tailored to your specific requirements, departing from the "what you see is what you get" standard.

Q10. What if I need a specific brand of medication that your e-pharmacy does not carry?

Our pharmacists are able to recommend alternative brands of the same medication. However, we are also able to secure brands which you are more comfortable with, should you prefer it. In this instance, you may pre-order with our pharmacists and make advance payment so that they can procure the medications for you. Do note that pre-orders can take up to 1 to 2 weeks, so we recommend that you check in with us early if you require a refill.

Q11. How accurate is the assessment through online consultations without a physical examination?

Do note that there are some medical conditions that cannot be assessed via digital means, such as emergency conditions such as chest pain, deep/bleeding wounds, severe shortness of breath, seizures, severe pain, sudden onset weakness, numbness or slurred speech, suspected fractures etc. For such cases, the pharmacists shall advise you to approach the nearest clinic or A&E for urgent medical concerns.

Q12. Is it possible to buy medication for someone else through GRx?

For pharmacy and prescription medications, you are not allowed to purchase on behalf of someone else through GRx as we will need to input the details of the person who is taking the medication for record purposes.

Q13. As a foreigner, are there any restrictions on ordering medication from GRx?

Do consult our pharmacists to see if the requested medication requires a prescription from the doctor.

Q14. How can I check medication orders previously purchased from GRx?

You may provide your details such as full name or phone number for our pharmacists to extract your past purchases from GRx.

Q15. Are there any age restrictions for purchasing medications online?

Do check with our pharmacists as different medications have different age restrictions to them.

Q16. Can I order medications for my pets through GRx?

GRx does not provide veterinarian medication services.

Q17. How does GRx handle controlled substances or medications with potential for abuse?

Our pharmacists are trained to check medication history to ensure that medications are not abused to the best of their abilities.

Q18. How do I know if the medication(s) I need is an ‘Over-The-Counter (OTC)’ medication, Pharmacy Only Medicine, or Prescription Only Medicine?

OTC Medicines: You do not need to go through a doctor or a pharmacist to obtain these. OTC Medicine can be used safely without medical supervision and are intended for short term self-treatment. Examples include paracetamol for low-grade fever/mild pain,
activated charcoal for diarrhoea, and sore-throat relieving lozenges.

Pharmacy Only Medicines: You can purchase these medicines without a doctor's prescription, but our pharmacists have to be consulted to ensure you get the right medicine for the right condition. Examples include some antihistamines, mild steroid creams, cough/cold, and pain medications. 

Prescription Only Medicines: You can purchase these medicines after obtaining a prescription from a registered doctor. Examples include antibiotics and chronic medications such as blood pressure lowering, and anti-diabetic medicines.

Our pharmacists are well-trained in the classification of medicines. Please feel free to check in with them via WhatsApp on the classification of medicines.

Q19. What can I buy from a pharmacy like GRx?

You can buy OTC, Pharmacy Only and Prescription Only medicines. Contact out pharmacists today to learn more about how GRx can serve you and your family’s lifestyle.

Our Pharmacists

Q1. What can I consult a pharmacist for?

Pharmacists are highly trained healthcare professionals who can provide guidance and advice on a wide range of health-related matters. While they cannot diagnose medical conditions, they can offer information and assistance on various topics, including but not limited to:

Medication Information: Pharmacists can explain how medications work, potential side effects, dosages, and interactions with other drugs or food. They can also provide instructions on how to properly take medications.

Over-the-Counter (OTC) and Pharmacy Only Medications: Pharmacists can recommend suitable medications for common ailments like colds, allergies, pain relief, and digestive issues.

Prescription Only Medications: Pharmacists can answer questions patients have about prescription medications prescribed by their doctors. They are also equipped to provide information about potential drug interactions or concerns.

Chronic Disease Management: Pharmacists can offer advice on managing chronic conditions like diabetes, hypertension, and asthma, including information on medication adherence and lifestyle changes.

Smoking Cessation: Pharmacists can provide support and recommendations for those looking to quit smoking.

Family Planning: They can offer guidance on birth control methods and provide emergency contraception.

Diet and Nutrition: Pharmacists can provide basic nutritional advice and suggest supplements or vitamins.

Medication Management: Pharmacists can help organise medication regimens, especially for individuals taking multiple medications.

Medication Adherence: They can provide strategies to help patients take their medications as prescribed.

Q2. What kind of ailments can I consult a pharmacist for?

Pharmacists can provide information and guidance on various medical conditions and related topics. Some of the common medical conditions and health issues you can consult a pharmacist about include:

- Coughs, colds, sore throat
- Allergies
- Pain and headaches
- Gastrointestinal issues such as indigestion, heartburn, or diarrhoea
- Minor skin conditions like rashes, insect bites, and minor burns
- Common eye and ear infections
- Sleep problems
- Women's health such as menstrual cramps, yeast infections, and urinary tract infections (UTIs)
- Minor Injuries such as minor cuts, scrapes, or bruises
- Cold Sores and herpes
- Minor digestive disorders like acid reflux or irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).

Q3. Are the pharmacists on Glovida-Rx Pharmacy qualified?

Yes, they are. Our pharmacists are registered with the Singapore Pharmacy Council, and are qualified healthcare professionals that have undergone rigorous screening, training and credentialing.


Q1. How do I purchase prescription medicines through Glovida-Rx and have them delivered to me?

You can consult any of our available Glovida-Rx partner doctors to submit an e-prescription via the platform. Subsequently, our pharmacists will contact you to provide remote medication counselling and arrange for the delivery of your medication.

If your doctor is not registered with Glovida-Rx, you can request that they sign up on our platform at glovida-rx.com.sg and submit the e-prescription to us for fulfilment. Alternatively, your doctor can provide you with a paper prescription, and you can then contact us via WhatsApp to arrange for the prescription to be picked up so that we can dispense the medication to you.

Q2. Can I get a valid prescription from my doctor to be filled by Glovida-Rx?

Yes, your doctor must give you the prescription if you request for it. You may then send the original prescription to us to purchase the prescription medicines from Glovida-Rx.

Q3. What if my doctor is unable to send the prescription via Glovida-RX?

You can request for your doctor to write a hardcopy prescription, which you can then send to us to fill the prescription for you. For paper prescriptions, please contact us via email or WhatsApp us for more information.

Q4. I have a valid paper prescription from my doctor. Can Glovida-Rx fulfill this prescription for me?

Yes. For paper prescriptions (i.e., prescriptions prescribed from other healthcare institutions or general practitioners out of Glovida-Rx platform), we will require you to send us the original copy of the prescription. Please contact our WhatsApp for more information.

Q5. Will I receive a confirmation notification after the medication has been prescribed by my doctor?

Yes, we will reach out to you to confirm the prescription and delivery details. You will then receive an email notification with the list of medication, invoice and payment instructions. Once you have made payment, the receipt will then be sent to your email address.

Q6. How many months of chronic medication can I get from you?

We would require a doctor to first assess your medical condition before we are able to advise on the duration of medication that can be dispensed to you.

Depending on the patient’s condition and diagnosis, doctors generally provide a prescription for a supply of medication till the next appointment date. For stable chronic conditions, the supply of medication may normally be given for no more than six months.

Q7. Do you carry psychiatric medication?

We do not carry psychiatric medications at the moment.

Q8. Do you carry oral contraceptives? Or medication for “sensitive” matters?

Yes. You may check with our pharmacists by dropping a WhatsApp message at +6581015555 to enquire more.

Q9. I would like to resume taking prescribed medicine, but I do not wish to go through the trouble of going through the specialist again. What should I do?

We would encourage you to follow up with the specialist so that your condition can be managed and monitored closely. For medication refills for stable chronic conditions, we can arrange for our participating doctors to assess your medical condition before prescribing you with the medications deemed necessary.

Q10. Does GRx offer automatic refills for chronic medications?

GRx does not offer automatic refills for chronic medications.

Q11. Can I obtain a copy of my prescription from GRx for my records?

As a closed-looped system, GRx is not allowed to return the original prescription to the patient. An invoice will be sent back to the patient for record purposes instead.

Q12. If I want to consult a doctor on GRx, what are the charges?

Consultation fees start from $18 onwards, depending on the length of consultation, seniority of doctors and number of conditions consulted for.


Q1. How do I make payment for the service?

An invoice will be sent to your email and you can pay for the prescription (which accepts credit/debit card and PayNow).

Q2. What are the payment options available?

Our current payment modes include:
Credit card/ Debit card

Q3. Can I claim insurance after buying medicine from GRx?

This is dependent on the conditions set in the insurance policy. Please check with your insurance company to confirm if medications purchased from GRx can be claimed.

Medication Delivery

Q1. Do I need to pay for medicine delivery?

We provide complimentary* delivery of medications to locations within Singapore.

Surcharges (e.g., Changi Airport, > 18km, specific time/urgent deliveries) are applied separately.

*Enjoy complimentary delivery for orders above $79.00.

For orders between $20.00 to $79.00, a flat delivery fee of $7.00 delivery is applied.

For orders below $20.00, a flat delivery fee of $15.00 is applied.

Same-day delivery is applicable for payments made before 3pm. For payments made after 3pm, delivery will be made on the next working day.

Please contact us via email or WhatsApp us for more information on medication delivery.

Q2. Are there any areas that you do not deliver to?

For the moment, we deliver to any location on mainland Singapore except for
1. Restricted and high security locations such as military bases, remand prisons, etc,
2. Offshore locations such as Jurong Island, Sentosa, etc.Please contact us via email or WhatsApp us for more information on medication delivery.

Q3. Can I opt for self-collection of medication?

Glovida-Rx does not have a retail shopfront currently.However, should you wish to self-collect the medication, you may contact our WhatsApp for more information.Please contact us via email or WhatsApp us for more information on medication delivery.

Q4. What are the delivery time slots available?

We provide same-day delivery for payments made before 3pm on a working day.

For same-day delivery, our delivery time slot is between 3pm to 11pm.

For next working day delivery, our delivery time slot is between 10am - 4pm.

Q5. What if the items that I received seem to have been damaged or tampered with?

You are strongly encouraged to check on the condition of the package(s) upon receipt of the item(s). Should there be signs of damage or tampered seals for home delivered items, please inform our delivery personnel immediately and return the package(s) to them. Our staff will contact you as soon as possible to advise on the next step(s).

IMPORTANT: We advise customers to contact us directly via email (pharmacist@glovida-rx.com.sg) regarding all replacement and refundable matters so that we can expedite and resolve any relevant issue.

Glovida-RX shall use its best efforts to ensure that orders are correctly fulfilled. Should there be any discrepancy, please notify us by email at pharmacist@glovida-rx.com.sg.

Returns/Refunds can be arranged under the following circumstances:

If any medication has been delivered in a damaged condition, or if the medication expiry date has passed, or if the wrong medication is delivered, Glovida-RX shall either refund the customer the value of that medication, issue a credit note or replace the medication.

If any medication which was not included in the customer’s order is delivered to the customer, Glovida-Rx shall collect the medication from the customer. If the customer has been charged for a medication which has not been delivered, Glovida-Rx shall refund or credit the customer the value of the medication as originally charged to the customer.

If the customer is charged more than the value of a medication, Glovida-Rx shall refund or credit to the customer the difference.

All refunds will be made via the same mode of payment on which the original purchase was made within 7 working days.

All replacements of medications shall be effected in the shortest time possible.

Q6. Can I return any balance medicine received if my doctor changes my dosages or medicine?

For safety and hygiene reasons, medicines sold are not refundable or exchangeable.

Q7. What happens if I am not at home when the order is delivered?

You may arrange for your family members or a trusted recipient in advance to receive the package on your behalf by providing the four-digit verification PIN to them.

If no one is around to receive the medication parcel, the delivery personnel will contact you to reschedule the delivery within the same day. If the delivery is unsuccessful for the second time, the medication parcel will be returned to Glovida-Rx. Do note that there will be additional delivery charges to arrange a new delivery for you.

Q8. How will my medications be delivered?

We have put in place strict controls in our delivery process. To ensure the integrity of the package, a four-digit verification PIN will be issued to you prior to delivery. You must provide it to our delivery driver to receive your package.

Our delivery drivers also follow the Good Distribution Practices and the Singapore Standard Guidelines for the supply and delivery of medication. This ensures the quality and integrity of the medicines are maintained throughout the delivery process.

Q9. Can I track the status of my current medication order?

Do check with our pharmacists for your order status.

Regarding delivery status, a tracking link will be sent to the recipient to track delivery once the courier has picked up the parcel.

Q10. Does GRx offer options for discreet packaging or labelling for sensitive medications?

To protect all patients, GRx medicine packages are sealed and do not reflect the medication names on the outer-packaging. Only the recipient is able to see its contents.


Q1. Is the Glovida-Rx platform secure and private?

The e-pharmacy platform is only accessible to doctors and information available to the doctors are only pertaining to those of their patients. Prescriptions are kept completely confidential and secure, and are only accessed by our authorized pharmacists.

Q2. Why does Glovida-Rx Pharmacy require me to provide my NRIC / FIN card, my mobile phone and home delivery address before medication purchase?

Glovida-Rx Pharmacy takes patient confidentiality and security very seriously, and has implemented stringent protocols so that our users never have to worry about receiving the wrong medication.

With your valid proof of identification and personal details, we will be able to complete the verification process and ensure that medication packages are delivered safely to the correct patients.

Q3. Is it safe to send photos of identification details via WhatsApp, and how is my data protected?

Yes, it is safe to send identification photos via WhatsApp. WhatsApp employs end-to-end encryption to safeguard your data, ensuring that only you and the recipient can access the content. For more details on WhatsApp's security measures, visit their official Security page (https://www.whatsapp.com/security).

Need More Assistance? Get in Touch!

If you have further questions or need personalised assistance, our dedicated team is just a message or a call away. 

Reach out to us for any inquiries regarding our online pharmacy services, medication delivery, or health consultations. At Glovida-Rx, your health and satisfaction are our utmost priorities, and we're committed to providing you with reliable, affordable, and authentic healthcare solutions.